Intent of this Site


Cessation of editorial activity for Bernard de Montreal's works

The Bernard de Montréal Official Website is maintained by the deceased author’s surviving immediate family, who act as copyright administrator and literary executor for the author’s intellectual property.

One of the multiple purposes of this platform is to introduce the author’s teachings and literary works to a wider audience, beyond his usual Canadian public. We have sought to render an objective and faithful portrait of the author. It is a heartfelt testimonial of his legacy and vision of a world he passionately loved and shared, however briefly.

The second envisioned function of this site is to provide the official platform wherefrom original and new releases drawn from the authentic archived works of Bernard de Montreal can eventually be accessed while respecting the ingrity of the work as a whole.

In March 2015, the legal custodians of Bernard de Montreal's intellectual property have decidede to end the efforts invested in the republication of the author's works. The following paragraphs will attempy to address various questions raised by the author's readership since his passing.

It is worthwhile to mention that under the emerging dynamics of the publishing industry, the promotion of a work requires the author’s presence for it to be maximized. Any foray into the current traditional publishing industry requires that an author “promote” his person. The value of the work itself is no longer sufficient. On the other hand, the digital publication of his titles, which could have been set-up by the custodians who steward the property, as was proposed by several readers, would not have sufficed to render this endeavour self-sufficient. We feel that a well-structured operation of this magnitude must be remunerative in order to be self-sustaining, without reliance on financial contributions from donations or other external financial support. In short, the author's extraordinary works are not commercially viable.

We are often asked by the public to provide references to discussion groups versed in Bernard de Montreal’s thought. They seek like-minded individuals sympathetic to his teachings, while others seek competent “therapists” or individuals versed in his principles. The custodians of the author’s intellectual property cannot take on the responsibility involved in the referral of individuals within a public context, notwithstanding their competence or profound understanding of Bernard de Montreal’s thought.

On the other hand, the pleasure of shared discussion surrounding inspirational work is universal. Some independent online forums, dedicated to the exploration of Bernard de Montréal’s thought confirm a sustained interest for Evolutionary psychology. Such endeavours are justified, granted that respect for the individual and for copyright law is maintained. We have however concluded that a consequential and perennial study of his thought cannot arise only from improvised and well-meaning contexts such as what forums and discussion groups can provide. The same goes for an eponymous centre of study, as proposed by some readers over the years.

In their concern to see the works disappear from circulation, some readers have expressed their hope to see the free public sharing of the works online, for its potentially transformative influence on society. It goes without saying that Bernard de Montréal was the forebear of a new and ground-breaking thought. But his thought distinguishes itself sharply from contemporary and dominant currents, whether “rational” or New Age. It is also significant that many authors having produced ground-breaking and extraordinary works have failed to alter the course of history. Knowledge often serves the individual before it can serve the multitude.

Through their correspondence, readers have also expressed their regret at encountering Web sites that appear to « misrepresent» the author’s teachings, by their haphazard association with spiritual references tainted with New Age mythology. We must acknowledge that the nature of the Internet does not allow such supervision, beyond the current protection of copyright law, which we will continue to implement.

Finally, we are hopeful that his works will be reedited in the years to come, and will inspire the contribution of critical writings surrounding his pioneering works and talks on Evolutionary Psychology. This resulting exposure promises to trigger renewed and deserved interest while raising awareness of the value of his life’s production and the relevance of his life exprience. Only through study and debate can the relevance of his distinctive path be ascertained for future generations to honour his passing.

Bernard de Montréal family